A24's upcomingHazbin Hotelseries, based on a controversial 2019 YouTube cartoon pilot, has unveiled its brand new design for Alastor the Radio Demon. The announcement of the series in August of 2020 was met with a divisive response from the general public. Some claimed the show to be too v...
After five years of nothing but the spin-off series, Helluva Boss, and the music video “Addict,” season one was released on Amazon Prime. While there was lots of intrigue to see the new product, especially after now being partially taken over by the studio A24, there appeared to be gr...
For adults, however,Hazbin Hotelcan be a great time, with the show quickly becoming one of the most beloved animated series on the streaming platform.Hazbin Hotelseason 2is already in the works, so now is a great time to check the series out. Just make sure that there aren't any childr...
BetweenHazbin Hotel's strong cast of charactersand impressive reviews, season 1 lived up to the expectations and managed to find its audience. With the groundwork laid down and plenty of people invested in the show, a quick turnaround for season 2 would be massive for the franchise. If seas...