2011 . “Hazardous Waste Management in Educational and Research Centers: A Case Study.” Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 938: 1636–1642. [Taylor & Francis Online]Hassanvand, M.S., K. Naddafi, R. Nabizadeh, F. Momeniha, A. Mesdaghinia, and K. Yaghmaeian. 2011. "Hazardous ...
Inamul HaqS. P. ChakrabartiTaylor & Francis GroupInternational Journal of Environmental StudiesInamul Haq and Chakrabarti, S. P. ,1997, Hazardous Waste Management in Developing Countries - A Case Study", International Journal of Environmental Studies, 53, 215-234....
Download references Acknowledgements This study was carried out under the research project “Hazardous household waste management in Austria and Ukraine: a case study of batteries” financed by Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. ...
Waste Recycling in Romania, a Component of Waste Management Case Study - Economic Model for Evaluating a Recycling Process Romanian waste management challenges various factors. One of its main problems is the increasing amount of plastic waste in concurrence with declining land... UC Ioana,TOPALU ...
Although still in its nearest stages, Manitoba's co-management structure represents an innovative method of responding to legitimate community concerns about safety and environmental quality. The paper explores the Manitoba siting process through primary investigation. Although secondary sources are reviewed,...
M. R. Lasheen, A. M. Ashmawy, H. S. Ibrahim, and S. M. Abdel Moniem, "Immobilization technologies for the management of hazardous industrial waste using granite waste (case study)," Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 914-921, 2016....
Sorting and disposal of waste are the last steps in the “lifetime” of a product. If products are contaminated with chemicals assessed to be hazardous for man or environment, waste management has the role of a vacuum cleaner in substance chain managemen
摘要: Based on years of experience in hazardous waste identification, the Solids Institute summarized the common types of waste identified in the daily identification work and analyzed the key technical requirements.出版时间: 2024 ISBN: 978-981-99-9889-0 ...
More than a decade of conflict between hazardous waste management and public resistance: A case study of NIMBY syndrome in Souselas (Portugal) Portugal's export amount of hazardous waste is increasing. More than 10 years ago, waste co-incineration in cement kilns was proposed in Portugal for te...
This study was prepared within the scope of the project “Implementation of Total Maximum Daily Load Approach in the Gediz River Basin” (2015–2017) conducted by the former Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs/Directorate General for Water Management in collaboration with TUBITAK MRC Environment ...