风险比 (hazard ratio)为 exp(0.11691) = 1.124 ,即表格最后一列,该数值大于 1,同样表明年龄增加会导致风险增加。 对于二分类变量,即只有 0 和 1,比如男性为 1,女性为 0,这样的变量与连续变量在 Cox 模型中的结果解读是一致的,如果性别对应的协变量系数大于 0,表明性别值越高风险越大,也就是说男性的风险...
风险比(hazard ratio)=>exp(协变量系数)比例风险假定(PH假定,proportional-hazardsassumption)=>与h0(t)无关,风险比为固定值=>协变量回归系数是固定的 4.2.1 接分组看KM生存曲线 两条生存曲线最后交叉,这说明PH条件不成立。 (需说明的是,曲线不交叉不代表PH条件一定成立) ...
SAS Global Forum 2012 Statistics and Data Analysis Paper 315-2012 Effect Modification, Confounding,Hazard Ratio, Distribution Analysis, and Probability of Non-normal Data for Head Neck Cancer Manoj Bansidas Agravat, Statistical Consultant, Tampa, Florida Abstract Interaction methods for effect ...
The HPI is defined as the ratio of the sum of the products of the unit weightage factors of different elements and their sub-indices to the sum of unit weightage factors. This index describes the total impact of PTEs on groundwater quality in terms of chemical pollution. The Eqs. (1) an...
我们可以看到,Drug变量的HazardRatio(风险比)是0.133,95%置信区间为0.056至0.314。这说明和Drug=0(安慰剂组)相比,Drug=1(新药)可显著降低终点事件(died=1)发生的风险(p<0.001)。 然而,在这个模型中,我们没有调整其他的混杂因素。研究人员思考,有没有可能患者的年龄也是终点事件发生的一个独立危险因素呢?为了解决...
The result from this statistical analysis showed that the landslide influencing factors like distance to fault, distance to stream, groundwater zones, lithological units and aspect have revealed the highest contribution to landslide occurrence as they showed greater than a unit odds ratio. The ...
in the given area. The commonly used methods for landslide susceptibility and hazard zonation that fall under bivariate statistical approach are; Frequency Analysis (likelihood ratio) method (Lee and Min2001), Weighted overlay model (Ayele et al.2014), Weights of Evidence Model (Mohammady et al....
characteristic of the building materials and constituents of the demolition debris. Non-natural ratio of238U/235U was found in the soil and sand samples collected in the Gaza Strip. Furthermore,137Cs and241Am were detected in some soil, sand and demolition debris samples analyzed in this study....
For a cumulative risk assessment of exposure to all parabens we chose the hazard index (HI) defined as the sum of the hazard quotients (HQs). The HQ for each paraben is calculated as the ratio of exposure (e.g., the DI of a substance) to the dose of no concern.50,71,72Thus, an...
The most likely reason for this result is the higher mean value of the ratio in the upstream region as opposed to the downstream region and Koyra as a whole by 0.21 and 0.103, respectively [Female-male ratio of Koyra is 0.976 (±0.685)] (Table 2). The subsequent signs in Table 5 for...