GHS hazard classrepresents the nature of a chemical hazard, i.e., flammable liquids, carcinogen. GHS hazard categoryis the division of criteria within each hazard class. For example, hazard class flammable liquids can be divided into 4 categories among which flammable liquids category 1 represents ...
PictogramHazard class and hazard category GHS01 Exploding bomb Unstable explosives Explosives of Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Self reactive substances and mixtures, Types A, B Organic peroxides, Types A, B GHS02 Flame Flammable gases, hazard category 1 ...
The GHS System is built on 16 physical, 10 health and 3 environmental hazard classes and comprises the following communication elements: GHS制度是建立在16个物理,10个健康和3个环境危险种类以及包括以下的通讯元素之上的。 DescriptionPictogramHazard class and hazard category:危险种类和危险类别 ...
GHS hazard statement means a standard phrase assigned to ahazard class and categoryto describe the nature and severity of a chemical hazard. Each hazard statement is designated a code, starting with the letter H and followed by 3 digits. H2xx: Physical hazards; H3xx: Health hazards; H4xx: ...
A GHS hazard categoryprovides a numerical representation of the hazardous severity of the product from 1 through 4, with 1 denoting the greatest severity of hazard. GHS hazard statements are based on a chemical’s hazard class and category. Once you know these, you cancross-reference the requir...
Section 2 of the new GHS Labels and SDSs require hazard statements which are determined by assigning a hazard class and category.As a manufacturer, importer, or distributor you’ll need to know how to classify hazards. You’ll also need to know which hazards are classified under GHS ...
Hazard class and hazard category: Exploding Bomb GHS01 Unstable explosivesExplosives of Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4Self reactive substances and mixtures, Types A,BOrganic peroxides, Types A,B Flame GHS02 Flammable gases, category 1Flammable aerosols, categories 1,2Flammable liquids, categories 1,...
Each hazard class and category has a designated statement describing the type of hazard, where it is suitable and the degree of hazard. These classes and categories are set by the revised HCS to indicate the type and severity of the hazard. The revised HCS gives directions for evaluating haza...
Hazard Statement:A hazard statement is assigned to a particular hazard class and category and is used to convey the nature of the hazard (or hazards, if multiple hazards exist). This may include the degree of the hazard. There are a variety of hazard statements, ranging from “May be harmf...
Description Pictogram Hazard class and hazard category: Exploding BombGHS01 Unstable explosives Explosives of Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Self reactive substances and mixtures, Types A,BOrganic peroxides, Types A,B FlameGHS02 Flammable gases, category 1Flammable aerosols, categories 1,2Flammable ...