Hazard refers to something that has the potential to cause harm; risk is the likelihood of harm occurring due to that hazard.
Environmental Hazards The Four Categories of Human Environmental Hazards There are many exposures to hazards in our environment today that brings along the risk of an injury‚ different types of diseases‚ and even in some cases death. These hazards are called human environmental hazards. There ...
Moral hazard is the risk that a party has not entered into a contract in good faith or has provided misleading information about itsassets,liabilities, orcredit capacity. In addition, moral hazard also may mean a party has an incentive to take unusual risks in a desperate attempt to earn ap...
It can be used as a substitute for risk, for example. 例如,它可以代替risk。 Ellie’s job is in danger since she protested the pay changes at her workplace. 埃莉有丢掉工作的危险,因为她抗议工作单位的薪资变化。 The danger of wrecking a car is greater when it begins to rain because the ...
[translate] a1.2 Identify examples of hazard and risk in different workplace environments 1.2 辨认危险和风险的例子用不同的工作场所环境[translate]
During the past 70 years, earthquakes have caused several million dollars in property damage in eastern and western Canada, and 27 persons were drowned in a tsunami generated by an eastern offshore earthquake. Thus, earthquake risk is not negligible in Canada. Within this same period in Canada,...
Risk is the chance that an event happens which demonstrates these harmful properties. In other words, risk is a measure of probability of harm occurring in a certain period of time. This paper considers the assessment of hazard and risk with particular examples from the oil, gas and ...
at hazard,at risk; at stake; subject to chance: His reputation was at hazard in his new ventures. Discover More Synonym Study Seedanger. Word of the Day February 04, 2025 quoin [koin] Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox!
Moral hazard in business can lead to some parties making more reckless or imprudent decisions than they otherwise would because they won't be the ones to bear the risk. Some examples include the bank bailouts of the Great Recession, salesperson compensation, and insurance. Companies should anticipa...
The meaning of MORAL HAZARD is a situation in which a party is incentivized to risk causing harm because another party is obligated to remedy the consequences of the harm caused; specifically : the possibility of loss to an insurance company arising from