Hayes Process Macro - Lecture Series The tutorial will guide on Model 6 of the Hayes Process Macro for Serial Mediation.Model 6 Serial mediation hypothesises a causal chain linking of the mediators. Example Variables: 1 predictor X, 2 Mediators M, and 1 Outcome Y ...
The purpose of this paper is to share insights and lessons learned in employing Hayes (2013) Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis technique using the PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2016) in my recently completed dissertation research. As Hayes PROCESS model is relatively new and becoming ...
ENDIF # Check if the native library paths should be used when compiling # the command line tools used during the compilation process. If # so, set the necessary macro now. # !IF $(USE_NATIVE_LIBPATHS)!=0 NLTLIBPATHS = "/LIBPATH:$(NCRTLIBPATH)" "/LIBPATH:$(NSDKLIBPATH)" !IFDEF ...
the centralized server can use the device information to make informed decisions regarding the instructions to include in a macro given the devices owned by a user. Alternatively, the user can be presented with one or more screens by which the user can create a custom sequence of macro instruct...
The macro, once executed, creates a new command in SPSS called MODMED. Using the MODMED command, the user provides information about which variables in the model to be estimated function as the independent variable, the mediator, the outcome, and the moderator in the desired analysis. ...