隐藏特性:紧张感 身高: 1.8m体重: 105.5kg 捕获率: 45基础经验: 243 基础点数: 攻击+3 生蛋分组:怪兽飞龙 性别比率:50%50% 孵化步数: 10537 种族值 HP76 76 攻击147 147 防御90 90 特攻60 60 特防70 70 速度97 97 总计540 38级时进化而成。
隐藏特性:紧张感 身高: 1.8m体重: 105.5kg 捕获率: 45基础经验: 243 基础点数: 攻击+3 生蛋分组:怪兽飞龙 性别比率:50%50% 孵化步数: 10537 种族值 HP76 76 攻击147 147 防御90 90 特攻60 60 特防70 70 速度97 97 总计540 38级时进化而成。
Speed > This Pokémon nests in caves and abandoned mines. It is docile, but it will become incredibly angry if its tusks are touched, so beware. Versions: Height1.8 m Weight105.5 kg Gender CategoryAxe Jaw Abilities Rivalry Mold Breaker ...
Haxorus#0612 Stats HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed > This Pokémon nests in caves and abandoned mines. It is docile, but it will become incredibly angry if its tusks are touched, so beware. Versions: Height5' 11" ...
雙斧戰龍在Pokemon GO遊戲裡的資料: 雙斧戰龍50等CP達到4062,在Pokemon GO遊戲裡算是獲得難度極高的寶可夢,本身擁有非常優異的攻擊力,加上短能量極強的大招,能夠在給予對手極高的壓迫力,因此只要能在屬性無法壓制雙斧戰龍,將會逐漸地被牠給掌控戰局。
PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #8612 Mega Haxorus: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
Black & White Pokemon - PansearRegular price: $4.48Sale price:$2.98 Black & White Pokemon - PanpourRegular price: $4.48Sale price:$2.98 Black & White Pokemon - PidoveRegular price: $4.48Sale price:$2.98 Black & White Pokemon - TranquillRegular price: $4.48Sale price:$3.48 Black & White ...
Haxorus is a Dragon-type Semi-Pseudo Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It is also known as the 'Axe Jaw Pokémon'. Haxorus can be obtained by evolving Fraxure at level 48, by Trade, or by the Roulette Haxorus can not evolve any further. Slas
Haxorus 雙斧戰龍 MAX CP: 3593 Haxorus(雙斧戰龍)的編號為#612,主要屬性為dragon(龍),當前版本最佳攻擊組合配招為龍尾(Dragon Tail) + 龍爪(Dragon Claw),當前版本最佳防守組合配招為龍尾(Dragon Tail)+龍爪(Dragon Claw)廣大寶友各種玩法無奇不有,僅供參考。ATTACK...
Against more defensive teams, however, it should be sent in from the get-go or during the mid-game to wear down the opposing team for another Pokemon to clean after it. Team Options Haxorus appreciates entry hazard support, particularly Spikes support, making Froslass and Roserade good ...