L-galactose. A bit of a weird one. Note that if you remember “alpha” as the C1-OH being “up”, that only works for D-sugars. Going to the Fischer from L-α-idopyranose Fructose drawn as a β-furanose: It’s beta here because the OH on the anomeric carbon (C2 in th...
1 2 3 4 5 6 O C H 2 OH OH O H OH OH 1 2 3 4 5 6 O C H 2 OH OH O H OH OH 1 2 3 4 5 6 Drawing Haworth Projections of D-aldohexoses 1. Draw the Fischer projection and number the carbon atoms. D-Galactose 1 CHO H 2 OH HO 3 H HO 4 H H 5 OH 6 CH 2 OH...