-fructose below, complete the Fischer projection of fructose. The haworth structure of alpha fructose is shown. The haworth structure of alpha fructose is shown. It contains a five-sided ring with an Upper O in the back vertex. Going cou...
Fructose is a particularly interesting example because it’s a ketose, not an aldose; the ring is formed through the attack of a hydroxyl group to a ketone, not an aldehyde. So here’s the final challenge. Given the Fischer projection, try drawing the Haworth projection ( β-furano...
1 2 3 4 5 6 O C H 2 OH OH O H OH OH 1 2 3 4 5 6 O C H 2 OH OH O H OH OH 1 2 3 4 5 6 Drawing Haworth Projections of D-aldohexoses 1. Draw the Fischer projection and number the carbon atoms. D-Galactose 1 CHO H 2 OH HO 3 H HO 4 H H 5 OH 6 CH 2 OH...