The Haworth representation of glucose structure gives a three-dimensional model of the structure of the glucose.
2. The Fischer-to-Haworth Shortcut: For C2, C3, and C4, Right =Down and Left =Up. Having walked through the process the long way, let’s try to come up with a shortcut for this process. Compare the Fischer projection of D-glucose to the final Haworth: ...
of sugars, even if they largely serve in that capacity today. In fact the Haworth projection pre-dates (1929) the chair depiction of cyclohexane (1943) and represented a vast improvement from the most common depiction of cyclic sugars at that time: the bloodyawfulcyclicFischer projection: ...
OH (the carbon-#6 in D-glucose) is pointed up in the Haworth structure 5. The OH attached to carbon-#5 (box around it) becomes part of the ring. 6. The linear Fischer projection becomes a cyclic hemiacetal in the Haworth structure. ...