What is Maori freehold land? Who are the Rapa Nui? Who are the Maori? What is the Tongan language? Who is the Mi'kmaq tribe? What is a Samoan culture? What is Samoan culture? What is the Haida tribe known for? What is the dominant kinship system in Western nations?
Donaghy, KeolaEthnomusicology Review
Ethics approval Samples were collected under State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land & Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources Special Activity Permit (SAP) #2015-48.Data availability All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary ...
Donald Trump has weaponized a flawed immigration system and advanced policies of cruelty and division that demonize immigrants—which directly harm AAPI and Middle Eastern and North African communities.He has instituted a Muslim Ban, aggressively weakened asylum protections, and slashed refugee numbers. H...
- Films - Maui Music Conservatory TV shows,stages - cast - crew and sets etc. for different shows and films. West Maui Advocacy Center for Women helping Women and the West Maui Domestic violence task force - Kalakupua playground and the completion of the Marine Division Park in Haiku - ...
All stations were plotted using Geographic Information System (GIS) software to verify land-based locations. When two (or more) stations were co-located between NCEI IDS, COOPV2, and Ua-Hydro Net, we checked to see if they are the same stations included in multiple networks based on the Hi...
And the underlying energy of division is also exemplified by the fact that a woman is running for the highest office in our land. This represents a fundamental shift in energy ….. the white male is no longer the sole governing form of power and they are deeply afraid that their power wi...
Hawaiian Airlines(Honolulu) in February 2013 introduced a separate new ‘Ohana by Hawaiian name and brand for its new ATR 42 regional division. Hawaiian Airlines acquired two ATR 42-500s to be operated by Empire Airlines of Idaho. The first, ATR 42-500 N804HC (msn 623) arrived in Honolulu...
Hawai'i is also home to Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO), one of the six atmospheric baseline observatories within NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory's global monitoring division (ESRL_GMD) from which numerous in-situ atmospheric measurements are conducted5. All of the climate stations identified ...
Police arrested elderly protesters, some using wheelchairs and canes, as they blocked a road Wednesday to Hawaii's highest peak to try to stop construction of a giant telescope on land some Native Hawaiians consider sacred. Protest leader Kealoha Pisciotta told The Associated Press that hundreds ...