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PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE On average every day 100 people are killed in the U.S. by a gun—in shootings that occur in our homes, on our streets, at our playgrounds. From 2013 to 2018, almosttwo out of threeschool shootings occurred at majority-minority schools. Just last fall, ashooting at ...
homelessness ratein the United States outside of Washington, DC, and reportedly Native Hawaiians comprised almost40% of the homeless populationin 2015. Though the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act formed to set aside land for Native people, many remain on waiting lists and can't afford ...
homelessness ratein the United States outside of Washington, DC, and reportedly Native Hawaiians comprised almost40% of the homeless populationin 2015. Though the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act formed to set aside land for Native people, many remain on waiting lists and can't afford t...
homelessness ratein the United States outside of Washington, DC, and reportedly Native Hawaiians comprised almost40% of the homeless populationin 2015. Though the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act formed to set aside land for Native people, many remain on waiting lists and can't afford ...