Anyone considering filing for unemployment in Hawaii can begin the process by going to theunemployment websitefor Hawaii where they will find aninstruction videoon the site about how to determine eligibility. It also walks a worker through the steps to open a personal UI account and to apply fo...
Hawaii's unemployment benefits plan is administered by the UI Division of the Hawaii State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR). In order to qualify, a worker mustmeet several requirements.First, they must be out of work through no fault of their own. That means they cannot h...
"Local Area Unemployment Statistics". U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Study: Military spent $12B in Hawaii in 2009". Military Times. Associated Press. June 1, 2011. Frank, Robert. "Top states for millionaires per capita". CNBC. Retrieved 22 January 2014. "Honolulu Star-Bulletin Hawaii ...
TheislandswereannexedbytheUSin1898andsincethenHawaiisnativepeopleshavefaredworsethananyofitsotherethnicgroups.Theymakeupover60percentofthestateshomeless,sufferhigherlevelsofunemploymentandtheirlifespanisfiveyearslessthantheaverageHawaiians.TheyaretheonlymajorUSnativegroupwithoutsomedegreeofautonomy. Butasovereignty...
HONOLULU (AP) — A bill that would provide unemployment insurance relief for Hawaii employers is now on Democratic Gov. David Ige's desk for approval.
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