Hawai'i is also the only American state to have two official languages,HawaiianandEnglish. However, a 3rd unofficial language is also widely spoken, Pidgin which is a slang combining words from many aspects of island life and culture. In 1978, this state madeEnglish and Hawaiianits official la...
Hawaii State Motto: "Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono" The words were used in an address by Kamehameha III at ceremonies following the return of his kingdom from the British. An English sea captain (Paulet) had, in effect, ceded Hawai'i to England, claiming large debts owed by the...
Hawaii (English pronunciation: Listeni/həˈwaɪʲi/ hə-WY-(y)ee; locally, [həˈwɐ(ɪ)ʔi]; Hawaiian: Hawaiʻi [hɐˈvɐiʔi]) is the 50th and most recent U.S. state to join the United States, having joined on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the ...
A state funeral observing traditional Hawaiian customs was held in her honor. Her remains were laid to rest in the Royal Mausoleum at Mauna’ Ala. LEGACY In 1909, she established a trust for orphan children of Hawaiian blood, which later included other impoverished children. This trust was cont...
I simply must be elected as state chair and I will use this political party to dutifully share God's values with the world. From a very young age God designed my heart to care for the aina and its people. The greatest priority is the aina. God is guiding my steps. Do not resist ...
Your Hawaii state taxes are due TOMORROW on another note. Chicken GreaseApril 19, 2013 1:03 pm Ohhhh, shoko, hahaaha. Good he alive. Gotta “talk”/w’board to this guy. If he’s alive . . . extremists across the globe quake in their boots. ...
State Motto Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘aina i ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness). King Kamehameha III is said to have uttered these words on July 31, 1843, when a British admiral once more raised the Hawaiian flag after a brief usurpation of authority. ...
Pidgin English Words Starting With M UA MAU KE EA O KA AINA I KA PONO Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono - Pidgin English Definition Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono (ooh ah mau keh ay ah oh kah ah eena ee kah poh no) Definition: Official Motto of the State of Hawaii wh...
Hawaii State Song "Hawai'i Pono'i" Written by King David Kalakaua Music by Prof. Henry Berger, the Royal Bandmaster Adopted on June 13, 1967. "Hawai'i Pono'i" was the Kingdom of Hawaii's national anthem from 1876 to 1893. On June 13, 1967, the State Legislature adopted it as Haw...