In 2020, Hawaii State FCU selected Aloha United Way (AUW) as our online election recipient. For every online vote cast in our Board of Directors election, the credit union gave a $5 donation to AUW, resulting in a total donation of $10,000. We also assisted the nonprofit in its efforts...
Government Employee Union for State AND City Jobholders Fight Back New HGEA Ad Campaign Launched on Heels of Successful Tea Parties in Hawaii; The Emotionally Detached Union Bosses Show Zero Empathy (or even Aloha) for Residents of the Aloha State during Current Recession Published: April 27, 200...
240 Vacancies at Lunatic Asylum: State hospital employee says horrific conditions are putting everyone at risk The Legislature’s Schedule Works Only For The Most Powerful Committees Dead Or Alive? With A Week To Go, Some Sunshine Bills Are Teetering Many Proposed Constitutional Amendments Dead “Bac...
Our freelancer is someone who migrated from a dozen years of full-time work where he had been designated the “Employee of the Year” to being laid-off and forced to taste the painful and “Unexpected Freedom” of freelancing. Goal: Although he submitted resumes for numerous full-time editori...
Public opposes state lawmaker pay hikes, Honolulu police union approves Covid hazard pay, Trump targets agency administering $1.6B for Maui recovery, more news from all the Hawaiian Islands Proposed pay hikes for state leaders spark outrage.State legislators meet once a year for 60 business day...
Nearly one Hawaiian worker in four is an employee of the military, and military 51、personnel and their dependents together represent over 10 percent of Hawaiis population. The armed forces are also the largest civilian employer in the state.Tourism is a major industry, with over 4.5 million ...
Hawaii is the only state that has one.Now President Bill Clinton wants Congress to set up a similar system for the nation, and the employer mandate has become the central, divisive issue in the national debate."That's our big problem," Clinton said in an interview with the Post-Dispatch ...
See allHawaii State Federal Credit Union Promotions here. HomeStreet Bank Bonuses Direct Link to Bank Locator Soft credit pullwill not affect your credit See allHomeStreet Bank Promotions here. Conclusion When you apply for a new account, you want to make sure you can benefit from it the most...
compensation, public employee health and retirement benefits, and prepaid health insurance. The limited fiscal impact is also due in part to the limited benefits granted by the law. Our findings include the impact on state government, county government, the private sector, and consumers in Hawaii....
History is not on Djou's side. Hawaii has only sent three Republicans to D.C. since statehood in 1959. But here are eight arguments for why he just might pull it off. 1. Djou has the most congressional experience. Sure, seven-plus months is not a whole lot of time, but he did...