University of Hawaii Maui College – Kahului, HI Public, 4-year and 2-year programs Acceptance Rate: Open admissions The University of Hawai‘i Maui College aims to “inspire students to develop knowledge and skills in pursuit of an academic career, and personal goals in a supportive educati...
University of Hawaii--Manoa is a public institution where all of the graduate-level, online nursing classes are recorded and archived so that students can access lecture material at their convenience. Eighty-nine percent of students are already employed when they first enroll. The admissions deadlin...
Richardson School of Law at University of Hawaii–Manoa EDU March 2, 2019 Law School Admissions Application Director of admissions Elisabeth Steele Hutchison Application deadline February 1 Full-time program application fee $75 Part-time program application fee $75 Besides the fall semester, can ...
community colleges, and vocational schools on the basis of their admissions policy (open or not open) and ownership (public, nonprofit and for-profit). UH Manoa is classified as a public institution with a non-open, competitive admission policy. ...