珍稀特藏 Hawaii Kona 選用的咖啡豆種植於夏威夷火山土壤,由當地咖啡農悉心栽培,塑造出略帶果香與合桃風味的濃郁個性。
Coffee Corner Open the Coffee Corner submenu Nespresso Professional Open the Nespresso Professional submenu Free Standard Delivery when you spend $75 or more You are on the main content SEE ALL COFFEES Original Original Hawaii Kona Experience heaven in a cup. Exceptional aromatic richness, subt...
Nestlé Nespresso S.A. 原產地: 瑞士 珍稀秘境 珍稀秘境系列是體驗和探索來自世界各地稀有咖啡產區的絕佳機會。這是世界咖啡珍品的集合,我們將完美重現難以覓得的咖啡風味,邀請最尊貴的俱樂部會員以珍稀限量的咖啡故事開始您的探索之旅。 您可能也會喜歡
生長在夏威夷島上的茂納洛亞火山(Mauna Loa)的山坡上,豐富熱帶果香伴隨著細緻胡桃堅果香將驚艷您的味蕾,而其圓潤絲滑的口感更成為此款備受喜愛的咖啡之獨特特性。
Nespresso Coffeemaker and Tea Forte tea bags. 24-hour Room Service. Enjoy cocktails and canapes on your private balcony. Invitations to an exclusive GolfAhoy breakfast and lunch. Specialty Dining Restaurant menu choices delivered to your Suite from any restaurant (cover charges apply). Invitation ...
The resort’s expert concierge team is at your service to help book unique adventures, like the Kona Coffee Helicopter Tour, a culinary tour of the island, or a photography trek. Complimentary transportation into the town of Wailea, Maui, with its world-class restaurants, shops, and entertainme...
珍稀特藏 Hawaii Kona 選用的咖啡豆種植於夏威夷火山土壤,由當地咖啡農悉心栽培,塑造出略帶果香與合桃風味的濃郁個性。