Hazardous materialsSitesEnvironmentsHawaiiThis report identified and evaluated potentially hazardous waste disposal sites at several 15th ABW satellites sites in Hawaii including Bellows AFS, Kaena Point STS, Punamano AFS, Kokee AFS and the Hickman POL storage facilities (Waikakalaua and Kipapa) and ...
All wastewater, including mirror washing wastewater (which is not a hazardous waste), will be collected and transported off of Mauna Kea for proper disposal. Due to the highly permeable nature of the surrounding area, although construction of the TMT Project will create some new impermeable ...
Problem Holapu ke ahi, Koe iho ka lehu The fire blazed up, Then only ashes were left After a blaze of anger (greed), The ashes of remorse are left We are combustion junkies Goal Ho`oponopono Correct the imbalance Make it right 1. Reduce atmospheric CO2 levels by sequestering carbon in ...
Four Dimensions of Interorganizational, Document-Oriented Workflow: A Case Study of the Approval of Hazardous-Waste DisposalNo Abstractdoi:10.1109/hicss.1998.655289Wewers, T.Wargitsch, C.