Homelessness Nearly Doubled In Hawaii After Maui Fires, New Federal Report Says.The state experienced an 87% increase from 2023 to 2024, compared to an 18% increase nationally. The number of people who were homeless in Hawaiʻi in 2024 grew from 6,223 to 11,637 – an 87% jump – ...
In order to keep the fund up last year, the state funneled $800 million from the federal government into it, then cleared that debt with an equivalent amount of federal relief funds. Still, the fund is still far from the $1.3 billion reserve that isdeemed adequatefor a year’s unemployme...
Also, thestatus of Native Hawaiiansvis-a-vis the U.S. federal government has become a hot topic in recent years, with some Native Hawaiian groups seeking a degree of sovereignty for the Hawaiian people as redress for the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy and U.S. annexation in the 1890s...
and calling on Congress to do the same, the timing is coincidental with nothing to do with SCA-5. My husband had been working last fall with some Chinese who had concerns that our Federal and state governments expressed regrets about this historic discrimination against Chinese, but they...
The public meeting last night is part of a planning procedure mandated by the Federal Transit Administration that requires “public involvement” in the process. I have standing and recognition in the community as a spokesman for the anti-rail position as co-chair of Stop Rail Now, an organiz...