Hawaii Dept. of Budget, Finance Names New Head.Reports the appointment of Stan Shiraki as director of Department of Budget and Finance in Hawaii. Job responsibilities; Resignation of finance director, Neal Miyahira; Career history.WilliamsRochelle...
Sir Edmund Hilliary, environmentalist; James Michener, novelist; Joseph Sutter, father of the 747 series of aircrafts; Walt Disney, “imagineer;” and others whose name plaques are mounted on the PATA Gallery of Legends exhibit located in the central breezeway of the Honolulu International Airport....
All I have to do is recall all the frustrations I’ve felt, when the great buffoon was still running the AD Deptm., so I can just imagine what JJ must have felt over the years. Good article from Ferd also. I sure like the personal touch and connectedness your pictures create. I ...
It is emphasized that the bonds will finance a plant scheduled to open in 2009 that will furnish biodiesel to the Maui generating station of a subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Co. The Hawaii Dept. of Budget and Finance will be responsible as a conduit issuer.Saskal...
It is emphasized that the bonds will finance a plant scheduled to open in 2009 that will furnish biodiesel to the Maui generating station of a subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Co. The Hawaii Dept. of Budget and F...