“We don’t know where we’re going to live,” said Wallace Hansen, one of several affected residents who testified Wednesday at a committee meeting of the Kaua‘i County Council. “I’m 75 years old. I cannot get around like I used to,” Hansen said. “I can’t take the stress o...
In its appeal this week, the Civil Beat Law Center also points to an “intentionally vague” agenda item used by the board to discuss hiring a consultant as another potential Sunshine Law violations. The agenda item for that Dec. 17 discussion read:“FY21 Budget Reappropriation Request –HART ...
Kaua’i County Council Chair: ‘We’re in crisis mode’ with lone landfill approaching capacity. About 90,000 tons of waste enter the Kekaha Landfill on the West Side of Kaua‘i each year. But current permits do not allow the landfill to operate beyond November 2027.Kauai Now. ...
Malia, by your having helped to organize a takeover of the platform committee and ensure that the radical sovereignty agenda is enshrined in the local GOP platform, we will be sure to keep the party in sync with OHA and the Democrat Party, just as Linda promised it would be back in ...
54. Petitioners and UHH received timely notice that the question of whether to accept or reject the Hearing Officer's recommendation regarding Mo'oinanea's standing was placed on the agenda for the June 23, 2011 meeting of the BLNR. 55. On June 23, 2011, the staff of the DLNR's ...
October 1 2010Chinese Republican Support David Chang running for Honolulu City Council Seat - Hawaii Kai District May 24, 2010 Aloha Johnson, The last 36 hours have been a whirlwind! I am about to board an airplane for Washington DC to be sworn in as your next congressman, but I could no...
Gary Hooser, the head Kauai County Council member riling up these folks even blogged about this march to promote and advertise it to others. If you read it, he’s perpetuating his myths and conspiracy theories to get people “to rise up against this” and even thinks that people are “...
Mayor Harry Kim named Adams, who previously served on the county Board of Ethics, as chairman…. The commission plans to meet the second Friday of each month, alternating between Hilo and Kona council chambers, with videoconference between the two sites…. ...