In most public areas like the airport, stores, shopping malls, etc. the majority of people are not wearing masks. Though everywhere you go, you do see at least a couple of people wearing them. On the airplane flying to Honolulu, of the 170+ passengers, maybe 10 or so were wearing mask...
However, ticket prices can still vary depending on multiple factors. When planning a trip to Hawaii, the first thing you should purchase is airplane tickets. Purchasing them two or three months in advance will save you a significant amount of money and ensure you have a flight when you plan...
Also, an unruly passenger diversion caused a Southwest Hawaii flight to return to the islands last December. Then there was the Hawaiian Airlines flight, where the plane returned to the gate so the passenger could be removed before even departing. That was the irate and abusive California woman...
A reason why people might want to ride the Superferry rather than an airplane is that, on an airplane, you only have so much room. So if you are a person who is tall, it would be uncomfortable to sit in a cramped space. But if a tall person were to ride on the Superferry, they...
But instead of saving the planet, they were largely destined for a quick trip to Hawaii’s already full landfills. While some argue that aluminum is a better alternative to plastic, even for those trying to recycle them, many of Hawaii’s programs are limited by the cost and logistics of ...
including bazookas capable of taking down an airplane. I'm sure it'd be fine, they're just terrorists trying to instill terror, but i just don't feel like dealing with it, the wind is blown out of my sails. Feels weird travelling around, especially now in a Muslim country, when the...