Tremor episodes range from 1 to 100 min (cumulative duration = 1.60×104 min; yearly average = 727 min yr−1; mean gradient = 24.2 min yr−1 km−1). Partitioning of probabilities, pi, in the phase space of normalized durations, xi, are expressed in terms of a function f(), ...
doi:10.1007/BF01047485Torrie A. ChartierWilliam I. RoseJ. Barry StokesSpringer-VerlagBulletin of VolcanologyChartier, TA, Rose, WI, Stokes, JB (1988) Detailed record of SO2 emissions from Pu'u O'o between episodes 33 and 34 of the 1983–86 ERZ eruption, Kilauea, Hawaii. Bull Volcanol ...