**11.0.5 UPDATE" One Button - Demon VooDoo DPS Raid and Mythic + War Within 189 47061 January 24, 2025 ST Havoc? - Nothing yet? 22 4505 January 12, 2025 Havoc WAR WITHIN 11.0 28 27776 February 26, 2025 DH Havoc PVP DPS Monster 0 853 January 5, 2025 💋 KISS: Havoc ...
It really feels like Blizzard doesn’t actually want DH in the game, so they’re just slowly pushing them into irrelevance. Even now the optimal raid brings 1 DH for the debuff. No one wants to take us into M+ because we have no B rez or lust, and we’ll be bottom dps vs any ...
We are a newly formed guild on the server Zul’Jin, consisted of IRL friends experienced in high end raiding content. We’ve been together since TBC and raided in many guilds borderline Cutting Edge. We have chosen to build a raid team of our own with people who are equally committed to...
Currently 425, looking for an afternoon raid team. Any server is fine. A lot of past raid experience.
LF couple nights a week. Love to run mythics too!! I’m currently on MT. Would love to chat with you if your interested in me. my DISC: GIBBZ#4709 BTL: GIBBZ#1996 TY for taking the time to read. GL All with the N…
Currently 425, looking for an afternoon raid team. Any server is fine. A lot of past raid experience.
We are also asking for the more casual raider or player that might not have the time to devote to a raid team but would like to step in if needed and get a few bosses down and see the raiding content. We welcome the mythic + raider that enjoys that part of the game , we run two...
We are a newly forming guild looking for good people and would love to chat! Have a look at our recruitment post, feel free to add me; my contact information is below. Hope to talk to you soon! Bender#1870 - Bnet Bender#1504 - Discord [A][US][Dalaran] <Sèrendipity> Friendly Activ...