要开启MariaDB的have_ssl功能,你需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 检查MariaDB是否支持SSL 首先,你需要确认MariaDB是否支持SSL。可以通过执行以下SQL命令来检查: sql SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%ssl%'; 查看输出结果中的have_ssl和have_openssl变量。如果它们的值为DISABLED,则表示MariaDB支持SSL但未启用;如果它们的值为...
3. 在客户端连接时禁用 SSL 在连接 MySQL 时,可以通过将连接参数中的--skip-ssl或--ssl-mode=DISABLED来禁用 SSL。例如,使用 MySQL 命令行工具连接: mysql-uusername-p--ssl-mode=DISABLED 1. 测试SSL 关闭情况 再次运行以下查询,确保 SSL 已成功关闭: SHOWVARIABLESLIKE'have_ssl'; 1. 如果一切顺利,您应...
show variables like "%ssl%"; have_openssl DISABLED # SSL没有开启 have_ssl DISABLED mysql_ssl_rsa_setup --datadir=/data1 --user=mysql --uid=mysql //bin目录下,开启ssl cd /data1 ll | grep pem ca-key.pem #ca 私钥 ca.pem # ca自签证书 client-cert.pem #客户端证书文件 client-key.p...
7 rows in set (0.00 sec) So my question is what is missing that stuck my configuration in the DISABLED state? I really need some help on that topic, Best regards, Serge Subject Views Written By Posted What causes the HAVE_SSL and HAVE_OPENSSL turn TRUE?
When using IBM Installation Manager to connect to a HTTPS server, if the server has SSL disabled, versions of IBM Installation Manager older than 1.8 will not be able to connect to it
how to verify that SSL V3 is disabled on windows 2012 Servers? How to verify the private key in certificate How to view/export a list of certificate using "Certutil" command; restrict by Certificate Effective dates How Windows decide if a network interface is public, private or domain Howto...
【遇到的问题:问题现象及影响】等保测评要求数据库开启have_ssl参数。我按照论坛的教程开启了tls,使用的命令 是tiup cluster tls xxxx enable。开启成功后进入数据库show variables like ‘have_ssl’ 状态还是DISABLEDtidb菜鸟一只 (小菜一颗) 2024 年8 月 22 日 08:31 2 执行下SHOW STATUS LIKE “Ssl%”; ...