I am getting OK with this ( it took a while, trust me), for it has allowed me to reflect on how much my adult years were about an image of confidence that was not always true. I was so good at it that certain people always expected it. I played a role like so many women befor...
1. I have a stain on my shirt. 2. She has a diamond ring on her finger. 3. The children have paint on their hands. 4. He has a sticker on his laptop. 5. The cake has icing on it. 6. They have sunscreen on their faces. 7. The tablecloth has a spill on it. 8. She has...
Once you get to the end, you can view through a small window the continuation of it towards North Korean territory (although you are still well within South Korea and cannot see into North Korea from this viewpoint) and a day counter indicating the number of days that the armistice has be...
You want to make it slightly larger than your airplant so it has room to grow, but not too big that it falls out. (You can either use the ruler to get your measurement, or you can eyeball it and use the first straw as the measurement for the others.) Step 2: Cut out 12 straws...
in case you don’t know, on the 21st of August, I will be attempting to become the 1st female to travel the greatest distance in 12 hours using a standard non-sport wheelchair. I will be doing this at Exeter Arena. It is not going to be easy. Have you ever tried wheeling in a ...
I don’t want it in my ear or eyes as the prognosis isn’t good if you get shingles there! I have no control of it so I can only rest more and pray! I can still be thankful though. I am thankful that I’m loving Lockdown for the ability to stay at home and not have to me...
Another dead cert is when I can't find something - the TV Guide, a shirt, my elastic band rifle, whatever, it doesn't matter - and the exchange goes: 'Gretch? Have you seen my sunglasses?' 'Have you looked for them?' (Oooooooo, I, it, when, argggh! My teeth are gritted just...
You can shop / visit the bank / go to the cinema / run around in the park without a shirt on when it’s quiet and most people are kowtowing to The Man. You can still be in your pyjamas at midday if that’s you. Not my bag, but it seems to work for self-employed pharmaceutica...