Given the need of confidentiality that is of critical importance for MSM, self-care has special meaning in their lives. Healthcare providers need to understand the different categories of MSM to intervene effectively. NGOs are playing an important role in addressing the problems of STIs including ...
Well, in Britain, from the ages of five to about eleven you start off at a primary school, and then from eleven to sixteen you go on to a secondary school or a comprehensive school and at sixteen you take GCSE examinations. After this, some children take vocational courses or even start...
Herebelow, you can find various software and tools developed by various selfless individuals and also commercial enterprises who have given their level best for Indic computing (i.e. computing in Indian languages like Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Oriya, Punjabi, Gujarati, et...
Only two years,Sharma has16nearly 100 videos for his Hopping Bug page on YouTube.And,so far,he has visited all but two of the 29 states and seven union territories in India.From the17moonscape of Ladakh and the lush cloud forests in Meghalaya to purple mountains in Tamil Nadu,where he ...
The so-called “culture wars” have seen to that. You can’t debate bad ideas away. Because the people who hold those bad ideas, the stupid makes them invulnerable to debate. You can only de-platform them. These days, I tend to think of this blog as little more than a diary open ...
Swamiji explained the true meaning of Brahmin and he emphatically said that everyone on this earth has the ultimate goal to attain Brahminhood. Swamiji further pointed out that in Indian societies, secular occupations are restricted only for non-Brahmin castes. Swamiji requested every Indian to ...
What Dawkins and other critics, including well-meaning self-critical Muslims, fail to mention, according toChristian Science Monitor, is the fact that other large (billion-plus) religious, gender and ethnic groups have won even fewer Nobels than ten won by Muslims: Hindus (four), Chinese (eigh...
“The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. Hence, there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, in a mountain trail, in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face,” the pope writes. Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy's Op Ed on Sir Syed and Allama Iqbal: ...
The so-called “culture wars” have seen to that. You can’t debate bad ideas away. Because the people who hold those bad ideas, the stupid makes them invulnerable to debate. You can only de-platform them. These days, I tend to think of this blog as little more than a diary open ...