I have totake a dumpimmediately. 我需要立刻上大號。 I lost 5 pounds fromtaking a crapyesterday. 昨天上完大號之後我的體重掉了 5 磅。 2. 一般用法 take a number two 3. 正式(醫療)用法 have a bowel movement After drinking 2 cups of coffee, Ihad a bowel movement. 喝完兩杯咖...
walk the pole toward the bow and steady it while the other crew member simultaneously lets out the topping lift to lower the jaws end of the pole while also raising the other end of the pole that is attached to the mast to bring it back to its position...
How to Avoid Getting a Faint Test Line Take the test first thing in the morning. The first morning's urine works best because the hCG hormone is most concentrated in the morning when you haven't diluted it by drinking water. Wait until you've missed your period to take the test. My ...
Ever since starting this website, it’s been amazing to see how many people truly want to treat their disease with their diet or more simply, by eating and drinking things that agree with their bodies. I think it’s great! Much of what I do in terms of diet is based on the “Speci...
"I had a patient come to the ER complaining of severe pain and swelling 'all down there.' On physical examination we noted a really remarkable amount of swelling, and both the internal and external tissues were extremely red and irritated. She was so swollen she couldn'...
"I had a patient come to the ER complaining of severe pain and swelling 'all down there.' On physical examination we noted a really remarkable amount of swelling, and both the internal and external tissues were extremely red and irritated. She was so swollen she couldn'...
“Drinking enough water. I drink a tall glass right after getting up, one right before going to sleep and over the day I drink a tall water bottle (1,5 to 2l). My skin is better. I get up faster in the morning (mostly because I have to pee). ...
He said smoke cigarettes. He said I looked hot. He said I was the funniest girl in the world. He said play air guitar. He said pee in the front yard. He told me those photos of me drinking shots wouldn't matter, they would only make me laugh. Oh, Jose, he is one smooth ...
Per the ADA, you can try to treat the itching yourself by limiting how much you bathe (especially in less humid climates), using soap with a built-in moisturizer, and remembering to apply lotion immediately after washing up. Colleen de Bellefonds ...
He eventually makes his way over to the bear. The bear immediately tells him, "You look exhausted." "Yeah, it's been a rough day," says the bartender, "What are you drinking?" "I'll have a glass of..." says the bear. He waits a painfully long moment before adding "... ...