a. "to + have + Past Participle": 是 Perfect Infinitive (完成时不定式), 是说及已经发生的事情...
▶知友提问例句中“to have had to spent anything”,其语法结构是:不定式分句,具体说是:“完成体...
Listen to this speaker use the phrase"I should have" and note the past participle that comes after: 听下面这位说话者使用短语“I should have”,并注意其后面的过去分词: I was late for work today. I should have gotten up earlier. 我今天上班迟到了。我本应该早点起床的。 Did you catch the pa...
Should have done grammar? 1: Should have + past participle can mean something thatwould have been a good idea, but that you didn't do it. It's like giving advice about the past when you say it to someone else, or regretting what you did or didn't do when you're talking about yo...
Today, we are going to take a quick look at an important part of English grammar. It is the phrase “should have,” which can be shortened to “should’ve.” It’s an extremely useful construction for talking about the past and specifically about regrets. ...
Have+ object + past participle can also have the non-causative meaning "experience something unpleasant". In this case, the subject of the sentence did not initiate the action: Ihad my bike stolen.(My bike was stolen.) Hehad his leg brokenin a car crash.(His leg was broken in a car...
Past unreal conditionals are very complex; you can learn more about them on a previous episode of Everyday Grammar. Usually, would have suggests a bad feeling about the past. But not always. In this song by the band Chicago...
3.Grammar : Present Perfect (“have + past participle”) 4. Enable students to learn to write about their experiences. 方法与手段 Teaching methods: Bottom-up approach. Teaching aids: A computer and a projector. 板书设计 Module 2 Experiences Unit 免费下载 加入资源篮 开通轻享会员 免费份数...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Canceled' or 'cancelled'? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words ...
Past Perfect= HAD+Past Participle In order to use past perfect,the sentence MUST also contain ...