king王,国王 burger king汉堡王,美国的快餐连锁品牌 we我们 heard hear的过去式,听说 you你 like喜欢,像 so所以 put in放入 your你的 have有,拥有,吃,得到 way方法,方式,路,路径 your way你的方法,你的方式 Have it your way !用你的方式来吃!
cheeseburger 芝士汉堡 In n Out 美国西部知名汉堡品牌 king 王,国王 burger king 汉堡王,美国的快餐连锁品牌 we 我们 heard hear的过去式,听说 you 你 like 喜欢,像 so 所以 put in 放入 your 你的 have 有,拥有,吃,得到 way 方法,方式,路,路径 your way 你的方法,你的方式 Have it your way ! 用你...
每个国王都需要一个小丑。50岁生日快乐,德国麦当劳!“国王”是取自汉堡王的英文名Burger King,“小丑”在这里暗指麦当劳的吉祥物。同时,汉堡王还挑选了中世纪画作中有国王和小丑的图画,为麦当劳制作了一系列写着相同“祝福语”的生日贺卡,并张贴到了慕尼黑的大街小巷。[5]汉堡王祝福麦当劳的生日贺卡;图片来源:微...
Burger King: Have it your way...make it a Whopper, 1976 û收藏 4 评论 ñ5 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...人文艺术博主 3 公司 星际濒危怪形生物保护委员会 查看更多 a 3182关注 10.5万粉丝 80408微博 微关系 他的关注(3089) ...
The "Have it Your Way" slogan popularized nearly 25 years ago by Burger King defined the requirements for the fast food industry. Understanding that customers want choice, flexibility and selection to satisfy their unique and individual tastes set the tone for the future of the fast food market...
Have It Your Wayis an iconic slogan from Burger King. Letting the customer pick and chose whatever toppings and condiments they want works really great when you are making burgers. Customization is good for the customer and the business. If BK only sold hamburgers with pickles, they would lose...
Emulation: Have It Your Way 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 9 作者: ARM Techcon 摘要: In May 2014, Burger King announced it was scrapping its 40-year-old slogan, "." I say, let's make it our own to describe the hardware emulation space, where the tools are having a ...
申请/注册号:5061942申请日期:2005-12-15国际分类:第43类-餐饮住宿商标申请人:汉堡王有限公司;BURGERKINGCORPORATION办理/代理机构:北京英特普罗知识产权代理有限公司 HAVE IT YOUR WAY驳回复审 申请/注册号:5926507申请日期:2007-02-28国际分类:第30类-方便食品商标申请人:汉堡王有限公司;BURGERKINGCORPORATION办理/代理...
译文示例:" Have It Your Way " ↔ " Have it your way. " 机器翻译 Have it your way Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate +添加翻译 法文- 英文 词典中的“have it your way" 目前我们的字典中没有have it your way的翻译,也许你可以添加一个?确保检查自动翻译、翻译记忆库或间接翻译。