Most credit cards charge a foreign transaction fee of 2.5% whenever you make a purchase in any currency that’s not Canadian dollars. However, the Scotiabank Passport Visa Infinite Business Card is the only business card that doesn’t. This can be significant to business owners that use supplie...
“Some consumers use only one card so they can build credit history, but other consumers may want many different cards for personal, business, travel, airline status, et cetera,” says John Cabell, managing director of Payments Intelligence at J.D. Power. As far as how many is “too many...
Since most people will use the Scotiabank Passport Visa Infinite Card for travel, I’ll focus on travel redemptions. You can redeem as little as 100 Scene+ points for travel for $1 off travel purchases. You can use your points immediately if you book through the Scene+ travel portal. Alte...
especially when compared to personal cards, the credit line on a single business card may fall short for your business needs. When you’re running a business, you’ll likely
If You Are Dead Serious About Understanding How Cruise, Travel & Trip Cancellation Insurance Works, Will Be The Most Important Website You Have Ever Read
Typically when I travel I find myself holed up in my AirBnB typing away for work more often that I’d like to admit; however, this trip was different. Even if I wanted to increase my screen time it would have been hard. Hey, it’s no easy feat prying your eyes away from Provence...
On the blank postcard template, draw a picture of your hero. On the line in the center,tell us who your hero is and how you are inspired. The competition is open to 1-3 graders. You can ask your parent to take a photo of your drawing and email it to us at competition@kidspic....
Now it has also come up that the US miliary maybe prepping for using Ebola “pretend set up” here for martial law and gun confiscation. The problem with all of this is no one, and I do mean no one “trusts” our government anymore, so NO ONE will give up their guns and that ...
The banks will love you but there will be fees, fees, and fees. Monthly, sometimes per transaction, on business accounts they may have a fee per check you deposit! Savings accounts you ask? Certainly, says the bank. We’ll gladly pay you ..05%! However, there is a $20.00 per month...
And untying this Gordian Knot is how Chrome River lets business flow. There are many vendors who solve the basic workflow problem: moving electronic documents along a predefined approval chain. But Chrome River is the first and only travel and expense management vendor to solve the business ...