Now that winter is here, I’ve been taking the bus into work. It’s great. There’s an app –everythingis apps here – and you buy a ticket on it and show the ticket to the driver. They’ll be introducing a “blippar” to read the QR code on the app’s tickets soon, but it...
I went in to suggest what a wonderful world it would be if that was an actual reality. He, apparently the bad boy archetype, suggests just standing there until a driver rolls up and pretending to be waiting for them. “Oh, absolutely that would work! They always assume someone waiting is...
Goodreads Monday/ TBR Monday (add your links in the comments section for all to see!) – The Most Wonderful Crime Of The Year by Ally Carter Happy Christmas Eve! – Top Ten Tuesday – Christmas Books That I Have Read This Year Yearly Wrap Up – Favourite Book of the Month – January,...
It’s been a whole week since I got back from my glorious spring break week at the beach with my amazing, loving, fun, funny, wonderful family!!! I rode down with my sister and the kids and we had the BEST time! Kelly and I sang all of our favorite songs at the top of our ...
Wonderful wonderful– er, fantastic fantastic Copenhagen So the big project at work that was supposed to end on September 1st… didn’t. A month before, they realised they weren’t going to hit the deadline, and so rebased all their plans. Which meant I was now free for the first weeke...
So that’s it – my biggest worries not at all an issue. If you’ve thought about Costume College, but have held back because some of these worried you, I really encourage you not to. Everyone is lovely. The event is fabulous. You’ll have awond...
Show your love for your family by giving them time off from your holiday wonderfulness so that you don't help any of them end their time on this little blue marble. If you want to commit suicide, I'm a pro-choice libertarian. But please put your affairs in order and do not take ...
Robinhood is the trading app used by millions of young, inexperienced retail investors to trade stocks and options on their mobile phones. The company went public last Thursday on the Nasdaq stock market (the wond...
Skye went out for her first walk in the BOB and I think she liked it. Same stroller… different baby. I wonder how many miles I’ll hit with different babies over the years. In the below picture Brooke is just a month older than Skye is now. This day I d