3719 10 1:06:44 App 【Have a nice death】通关全流程实况 46万 383 13:51 App 异常楼层,是人类就上100层,蠕虫镭射炮大蜘蛛等着我们! 22.2万 156 6:15 App 一命通关8号水族馆!八爪鱼帝王蟹大鲸鱼都出现了异常! 608 1 2:06 App 【Have a nice death】“祝你好死!戈登!!!”全网最短时间打败第...
简介:Have a Nice Death 是一款 2D 动作类 R;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 2469、弹幕量 3、点赞数 52、投硬币枚数 17、收藏人数 8、转发人数 1, 视频作者 KCChuah, 作者简介 我
Welcome to Death Inc. Discover and explore the darkly-charming, procedurally-generated departments of Death Inc., where you’ll meet a diverse cast of memorable characters—like your affable pumpkin-headed assistant, Pump Quinn—who are always willing to share the latest office gossip ...
Willkommen zu Death Inc. Entdecke und erkunde die schaurigen aber charmanten, bürokratischen Abteilungen von Death Inc., wo du auf verschiedene unvergessliche Charaktere treffen wirst — wie deinem freundlichen Assistenten, Pump Quinn — der immer für den neuesten Bürotratsch zu haben ist. Ern...
歡迎蒞臨 Death Inc. 挖掘和探索充滿暗黑魅力的 Death Inc.,你將在程序化生成的部門中遇見各種難忘的角色,像是親切友善的南瓜頭助理 Pump Quinn,他隨時都樂意跟你聊聊最新的辦公室八卦 種什麼因,得什麼果 在快節奏的砍殺戰鬥中磨礪你的技巧和鐮刀,妥善運用並升級超過
Have a Nice Death is a 2D action roguelike where you play as an overworked Death, whose employees have run rampant, completely throwing off the balance of souls - and his vacation. In order to restore order, you'll have to grab your trusty scythe and show your employees who's boss!
have a nice death游戏 v1.0.4免安装完整版 挥动镰刀,死神开始收人头了 Have a Nice Death游戏中文译为祝你好死,是一款全新推出的2Droguelike动作游戏,玩家在游戏中扮演一个过度劳累的死神,他的员工已经失控,完全打破了灵魂的平衡,以及他的假期计划,为了恢复秩序,你必须拿起你信任的镰刀,让你的员工知道谁才是老板...
Have a Nice Death PC Segurança máxima100% seguro com assistência 24 horas Super rápidoEntrega digital instantânea Pesquisa Pesquisa CN¥CNY PRT ENG FRA ESP 中文 DEU ITA NLD POL Adicionar à lista de desejos Pular para o final da Galeria de imagens...
Have a Nice Death is a good combination of action and rogue-lite, with a good balance between the difficulty of the combat, especially the boss fights, and the pace of the unlocks. It pays to focus on one weapon and really learn how to use it and when to complement it with a spell...