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Post-Thanksgiving Open Thread Posted on November 29, 2024 by Bookworm There’s so much to talk about, and here’s a place for you to talk. I’m so sorry for the absence of an illustrated edition for the second week in a row. Last week, I was overwhelmed by work following the wonde...
HappyThankslivingeveryone (to our southern neighbours, we are hopeful that this year you can be thankful for a new President), and please consider the many ways in which you can celebrate life by respecting the lives of all living beings. Thank you (especially from Corno the turkey below, b...
Hope you and yours enjoyed a happy and safe Thanksgibleting. Happy High Holly Days. Take care of each other and be careful out there. ¡Sí se puede! Be well. Raise hell. Esté bien. Haga infierno. (Pardon my Spanglish.) être bien, élever l'enfer (And my French.) Stammi bene....
And then I found a new role model: housewives who have straight-up snapped. (Reader, my contribution to this year’s Thanksgiving dinner is the same as it is every year: stovetop stuffing.) The women in these novels have had enough. They are breaking free of the boxes they’ve been ...
I have never read anything by Rick Moody. It takes place over the Thanksgiving weekend in 1973, in a well-off Connecticut suburb. There’s a wife-swapping party, which some husbands seem to enjoy, and some wives are very much set against. There are some weird and kooky college-age kids...
A video of weird/offensive/awesome stuff I bought in Japan. Also, I suck at making videos. That’ll be evident if you make it to the end. But about halfway through I eat a boobie. So there’s that.Totally redeeming. Comment of the day:Peppermintcreeps the everliving crap out of me...
Skye went out for her first walk in the BOB and I think she liked it. Same stroller… different baby. I wonder how many miles I’ll hit with different babies over the years. In the below picture Brooke is just a month older than Skye is now. This day I d