I wonder, do we really need to see what everyone is up to each and every day. Do we really need to see people having a crap time and complaining or having a great time and not complaining. I’m thinking maybe not so much. IT IS NOT REAL Instagram is not real life. It can never...
the vast majority of the world's Muslims lived in countries ruled by foreign powers, and for much of the 20th century Muslims did not have much access to great centres of learning like Cambridge. The ranks of Nobel Prize winners
Another fun couples’ costume, this idea is great for those who want to be creative without putting in a ton of effort. BecauseWhat We Do in the Shadows’ Laszlo (Matt Berry) and Nadja (Natasia Demetriou) are vampires, their costumes are pretty easy to assemble around Halloween time. Simpl...
im not allowed to wear makeup to school, im not allowed to come home 10 MINUTES FROM SCHOOL, im not allowed to go to the corner shop, im not allowed to go eat with my friends or go out with them on the weekend, im not allowed ...
With a virtual festival, however, there are many more reasons to be a Sundance dead-ender. Sundance previously incentivized attendance in the back half of the festival by providing a much cheaper second weekend pass, where many films played encore screenings based on previous response and demand...
andPitch Perfect 3.But the folks who showed up for the film loved its inspirational version of P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman), and his catchy songs, and word of mouth spread quickly. The film’s weekend box office total actually beganincreasing— something that almost never happens these days ...
Christmas in 1929 will be remembered for a great blaze in the nation's capital. As a children's Christmas party took place for President Hoover's aides and friends, the West Wing executive offices caught fire. Despite the four-alarmer bringing some 130 firefighters to the White House, the ...
After becoming available in August, the token hit a high of $0.25 before settling into the 6-8 cent range over the last month. And then the bottom dropped out over the weekend, with the price plummeting to next to nothing. The market cap, which was $1.5 million on December 14, went ...
Like, Mitt Romney’s zillion-dollar-a-plate fundraisers seem to always be pretty full. It can’t literally be in a rich person’s self-interest to buy a plate there. But a lot of rich people could have conservative-libertarian-pro-business ideas that encourage them to quasi-altruistically...
a half years ago, we knew that our next big project would have to be the bathroom. Starting on Labor Day Weekend this year, and finishing on my birthday, November 17th, here is our entire renovation, from beginning to end. In pictures. (Because that’s what everyone wants to see ...