Idioms:bite the dust,breathe one's last,cash in,give up the ghost, go to one's grave,kick the bucket, meet one's end, pass on to the Great Beyond,turn up one's toes. noun A sudden sharp, explosive noise: bang,bark,clap,crack,explosion,rat-a-tat-tat,report,snap. ...
If someone tells you a fact that you already know, or if they say something and you agree, you say 'I know'. 'That's not their fault, Peter.' – 'Yes, I know.' 'This pizza is great' – 'I know.' In American English you can also say 'I know it' in this situation. However...
toil, labor, labour - productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill" subbing, substituting - working as a substitute for someone who is ill or on leave of absence investigating, investigation - the work of inquiring into somethin...