31. have it so good to have so many benefits, esp material benefits 32. have to do with a. to have dealings or associate with: I have nothing to do with her. b. to be of relevance to: this has nothing to do with you. 33. I have it informal I know the answer 34. let ...
7.To shoot a firearm, such as a pistol. 8. a.To be exciting:a club that really pops at night. b.To be visually striking:a logo that really pops. v.tr. 1.To cause to make a sharp bursting sound. 2.To cause to open with a sharp bursting sound:popped the hood of the car to...
(redirected fromHave A Good Time (7")) Dictionary </>embed</> enjoy delight revel have a ball have a goo... verb Synonyms for have a good time verbenjoy oneself greatly Synonyms have a ball Related Words revel delight enjoy Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-20...
Writers: Images on the Internet are not your ClipArt Gallery Photography Tips for Better Photos, No Matter What Camera You Have How to use Featured Images with WordPress Why Amazon is winning the ebook format war A Mentor For Life The iPad, One month later How to Choose Web Hosting for yo...
b. To take a particular form, order, or expression: My reasoning runs thus. The report runs as follows. c. To tend or incline: Their taste in art runs to the bizarre. d. To occupy or exist in a certain range: The sizes run from small to large. 14. a. To be presented or per...
4. The ability to make intellectual or aesthetic judgments: has a good eye for understated fashion. 5. a. A way of regarding something; a point of view: To my eye, the decorations are excellent. b. Attention: The lavish window display immediately got my eye. c. Watchful attention or...
have a good time - enjoy oneself greatly; "We had a ball at the party and didn't come home until 2 AM" have a ball revel, delight, enjoy - take delight in; "he delights in his granddaughter" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farle...
Define have a good mind. have a good mind synonyms, have a good mind pronunciation, have a good mind translation, English dictionary definition of have a good mind. that which reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, etc.; intellect or understanding; to
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) paid employment at a job or a trade, occupation, or profession 3. a duty, task, or undertaking 4. (Art Terms) something done, made, etc, as a result of effort or exertion: a work of art. 5. materials or tasks on which to expend effort or...
34. (tr) taboo slang (of a male) to have sexual intercourse with 35. (tr) to arrange (a meal): let's do lunch. 36. do do a informal to act like; imitate: he's a good mimic – he can do all his friends well. 37. do or die to make a final or supreme effort 38. ho...