短语后接动名词(-ing形式)或名词,构成“have a crack at + doing/noun”结构。例如: 搭配技能类动词:“have a crack at skiing”(尝试滑雪) 搭配具体任务:“have a crack at the math puzzle”(试着解数学谜题) 值得注意的是,其主语多为第一人称(表达意愿)或第二人称(提出...
1,958 次阅读 at-crack-have-something-T-take
have (或take) a crack at something 用作动词的意思:对某事作一次尝试,试图做某事 用法及例句:We... 440 次阅读分类于:英国俚语 俚语have a cluc的意思解释和用法例句 have a cluc 用作动词的意思:(英国俚语)知道,了解,熟悉 用法及例句:Do you have any clue about w... ...
I have to get up at half six.Tim When we use the verb ‘have’ in its modal form: ‘have to’ meaning an obligation, the /v/ at the end of the word changes to an /f/. Also the vowel sound in the word ‘to’ changes to a schwa - /ə/. ‘Have to’ becomes /hæft...
To attempt (to do) something; to take a turn trying (to do) something. Well, I haven't fixed a motor in nearly 10 years, but I'll certainly have a crack at it. You had your chance trying to break the piñata, now let your sister have a crack at it. See also: crack, have...
18. Person A: Where is Tim? Person B: He might be next door. What is the function of the modal auxiliary verb “might” in the reply? A. To express relief. B. To dramatize a fact. C. To indicate possibility. D. To ask for permission. ...
相關提問"I can swear I see it." 和 "I swear I see it." 的差別在哪裡?當你搜索答案時,...
When we use the verb 'have' in its modal form: 'have to', meaning an obligation, the /v/ at the end of the word changes to an /f/. Also the vowel sound in the word 'to' changes to a schwa/ə/.当我们把have用做情态动词时,'have to'的意思是一种服从,单词结尾/v/的发音要...
Meaning, crawl out on the plank to be “rail meat” or hunker down low and get the heck out of the way as the boom came flying overhead. Our team (the Lethal Weapons) beat Phillip’s. Sorry, Phillip. Those are just the facts. We also met some incredibly interesting people there ...
have a crush on verb - transitive seecrush. Citation from "Try, Try Again",Eureka(TV), Season 2 Episode 2 censored in hope of resolvingGoogle's penalty against this site. See more words with the same meaning:to be attracted to.