Define have. have synonyms, have pronunciation, have translation, English dictionary definition of have. to hold for use, contain; possess, own: We have a new car. Not to be confused with: halve – divide into two equal parts; to share equally; to reduce
the 57th annual prime the 9th camp the a the a yellow kibbon r the abandoned graveya the abandoned reach the abdication the abdominal muscles the abominable snowma the aboriginal people the absolute soul the abu dhabi world s the ac servo 16 cells the academic degree e the academy of kore...
"Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones": A Personal Geography of Harassment Over recent months I have received silent phone calls and malicious homophobic mail that has referred to my sexual identity, my research, my teaching, and my position within the discipline of Geography, and I have been...
In other words, we’re 100% certain that I didn’t put the toothbrush cap into the pouch that was buried at the bottom of my bag, which was sitting on the bed across the room when I was getting ready to brush my teeth. My routine on autopilot: remove the cap, set it down, brush...
make a go of To achieve success in: have made a go of the business. make away with 1. To carry off; steal. 2. To use up or consume. 3. To kill or destroy. make believe To pretend. make bold To venture: I will not make so bold as to criticize such a scholar. make book To...
We see him talking to his beloved wife Sonja’s grave (“I miss you”), while replacing the flowers, and he assures her that he will join her soon. (After 43 years at the same company, he has recently been let go, another act of cruelty by a world that seems to have left him ...
What I came to realize is that part of Ed Wood’s brilliance is the fact that buried within it, you can find Ed’s sad ending beneath the happy one about the irrepressible dreamer — in the form of Bela Lugosi, who is introduced in Ed Wood with one foot in the grave (literally, ...
When you love working out, taking a break from exercise can seem a waste of time — there are training plans to follow and goals to be met. So, what’s the problem? According to new research, excessive training can be damaging to mental well-being. ...
I have, therefore, decided to suspend the meeting for Memberstohave dinnerandthis meetingwillresume after the dinner break. 所以,我現在決定暫停會議,先讓大家用晚膳,然後再恢復會議。
I stepped in and saw a boy,about five years old, lying in his dad's arms, Mom with a nurse on the other side. I knew by the feeling in the room that the situation was grave. I asked his name. He told me it was Billy and that I did a few simple magic tricks for him. As ...