上级迟迟没有命令,邓普西该怎么办呢? 面对这种混乱的危急局面,邓普西有句话,叫“bias for action”,行动偏好。指挥官遇到危急时刻必须先采取行动再说,在行动中寻找办法。行动,可能犯错,但要是不动、假装什么都没发生,那一定是错误。 邓普西判断自己的部队肯定是走不了了,得留下坚守巴格达。邓普西不等上级安排...
Paul Singh:Yeah. Well, here’s what I would say. First off,I like to invest in entrepreneurship, not innovation.And I’ll explain what that means. So let’s just for a moment here, look at what we’re doing with Bump, just to make an illustrative point. And then I’m going to ...
They do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. Once a decision is determined, they commit wholly.敢于谏言 服从大局:领导者必须要能够不卑不亢地质疑他们无法苟同的决策,哪怕这样做让人心烦意乱,精疲力尽。领导者要信念坚定,矢志不移。他们不会为了保持一团和气而屈就妥协。一旦做出决定,...
You’d better have a good-faith basis for this.Alan Shore: I’d love to have a basis. But since the police didn’t investigate the possibility, I’m limited. It would have been so nice if the police had actually gathered evidence for the purpose of arriving at a conclusion instead of...
Below, this participant refers to being involved with sex with men while drunk and later regretting the action when sober. P: I think it almost kind of reinforces the... When you’re down, after you’ve had a night that you’ve been drinking, you’ve had sex, you were drunk, ...
Community-based opportunistic self-completion surveying for sexual health programming is common among men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) in Europe, being used to generate evidence of unmet prevention need, for behavioural surveillance and as a platform for advocating HIV precautions. However, comparing ...
individual persons are divided on every single political, economic, social, and moral question. Do you think there is a ‘media party’ with a consistent ideological bias because of the idea that there is (or can be) a homogenous, social consensus on things when no “shared story of collect...
Appearance bias. The halo effect. 表象偏误,即光环效应 If someone appears to have a positive quality we tend to attribute other positive qualities to that person without any evidence, likewise for negative qualities. Appearances are misleading. ...
Bias for action Ownership High Hiring Bar Frugality Location We have software development, fulfillment, warehouse, and customer-service centers all over the world. With our Corporate headquarters based in Seattle, Washington. Why work for Amazon ...
For example, only about half of EMIS respondents reporting UAI in the past 12 months had also been tested for HIV in the same time frame [6]. It is not uncommon that men engage in a number of episodes of UAI with multiple partners before they re-assess their HIV status. In addition,...