“Wishing you a day that’s full of sunshine, rainbows, and everything nice. Go out there and make it a great one!”–Unknown “Every new day is a new opportunity to make your dreams come true. Believe in yourself and make it happen. Have a great day!”–Unknown “May you have a...
Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin like meh Thinks up amazingly witty and sarcastic response stutters and mixes up words saying it add your own caption 565,713shares Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin like meh Catch a cute girl's eye with your elbow ...
Not sure what the difference is between have to, have got to, and must? In this lesson, you will learn how to use each of these very common English phrases effectively and fluently.
This morning, my sister called and told me that one of my older brothers had passed away this weekend. My brother had been fighting his demons for a very long time, longer than most people would like to think, I believe. A longtime drinker, to the point of a failing liver, he needed...
As I was about to launch into a prepared speech, she disarmed me with a compliment. “I love your hair!” Jenny squeaked. Or maybe she said, “Your hair is awesome!” I don’t really remember. For all I know, she could have said, “Your hair is on fire and made of snakes!”...
a large group of us went for a curry, which was much better than the one I’d had in Heathrow the weekend before. The restaurant was called, unsurprisingly, The Curry House. Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel where we were all staying, the Ramada, and filled up the bar. I even...
Now that winter is here, I’ve been taking the bus into work. It’s great. There’s an app –everythingis apps here – and you buy a ticket on it and show the ticket to the driver. They’ll be introducing a “blippar” to read the QR code on the app’s tickets soon, but it...
11. I had the honor of serving on the Reno Philharmonic Board with Doris when its founder, Maestro Gregory Stone, was turning the reins over to a new generation. Gregory's imperiousness was made palatable by his lovely wife, Inge, like Doris a teacher, who recruited Doris into the ...