💺内饰方面:Haval H6 GT全系采用“深海之黑”内饰并匹配撞色缝线工艺,在强化运动基因的同时,更加...
Safety features in the 2023 Haval H6 include dual airbags in the front, while the higher models get side airbags as well. Other standard safety features include ABS, electronic brake distribution, brake assist and traction control. Show more Haval H6 GT 2023 Reliability & Resale Value ...
🛞 我认为H6 GT是国产汽车从经济实惠型车向特色运动型车转变的一个阶段性标志性产品,希望中国品牌在澳洲市场做得越来越好!
A drive shalf hump usually present in the rear cabin floor of all-wheel drive cars is almost non-existent in the H6 GT, adding to the comfort of the middle rear passenger. Cabin storage is also excellent, with a large open storage under the centre console for a small handbag, plus ...
Applicable Car: HAVAL H6 GT 2022 2023 2024,Precision-engineered for the HAVAL H6 GT 2022-2024 models, ensuring a perfect fit and seamless integration. Toyota Navigation System 2022|Price Is Right Dream Car Week 2022|Material: Tempered Glass,Crafted from robust tempered glass, this screen protector...
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HAVAL 哈弗 H6 21款 国潮版 1.5GDIT 双离合 超豪版 HAVAL 哈弗 H6 21款 国潮版 1.5GDIT 双离合 豪华版 HAVAL 哈弗 H6 21款 2.0GDIT 双离合 GT豪华版 HAVAL 哈弗 H6 21款 1.5T 双离合 都市版 HAVAL 哈弗 H6 21款 国潮版 1.5GDIT 双离合 冠军版 ...
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