Negative IgMresults indicate the antibody was not found in your blood, meaning there is no active infection. PositiveAB/IgGresults indicate that the antibody was found in your blood, which means that you have been exposed to the virus in the past and have either developed immunity to HAV or...
In addition, anti-hepatitis A IgM antibody in the serum and hepatitis A virus (HAV) RNA in the stool were positive. Therefore, the patient was ... Masaaki Onaga and Katsuhiro Hayashi and Tetsuya Nishimagi and Kenji Nagata and Hirohumi Uto and Youko Kubuki and Shuichi Hirono and Hirohito ...
慢性乙型肝炎携带者,检测到抗HAV-IgM阳性,称为混合感染。() A:错 B:对 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 11.HAV从机体内排出最主要的时间是: A、 感染后一周内 B、 发病后的一个月 C、 发病两周后 D、 恢复期 E、 发病前后两周内 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 16.HAV的传播途径是 A、 呼吸道...
while 9/144 patients could not be tested due to insufficient sample volume. For HEV-IgM antibodies 29 anti-HEV-IgG positive and 29 anti-HEV-IgG negative AIH patients have been tested, only one of them, an anti-HEV-IgG positive patient, was positive for anti-HEV-IgM, but at same time ...
B、临床症状+抗HAV-IgM阳性可确诊为甲肝 C、临床症状+抗-HAV升高四倍可确诊为甲肝 D、抗-HAV-IgM阴性不可排除甲肝 E、以上均不是 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 15岁男性,轻度乏力、腹胀,ALT350U/L,抗HAV-IgM(+),抗HBs(+),胆红素定量正常,应诊断为( ) A、急性黄疸型肝炎,甲型 B、急性乙型肝炎 C、...
A慢性HBV感染抗-HBcIgM也可阳性 B抗-HAVIgM阳性可诊断为急性HAV感染 CHBsAg阳性表明患者有传染性 D抗-HCV阳性为HCV既往感染 E抗-HBs是保护性抗体 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: ___ a teacher, one must first be a pupil. A.Being B.Having been C.To ...
A、 抗HAV-IgM B、 抗-HBs C、 抗-HBe D、 抗-HBc E、 抗-HCV 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [单选题] 患者,男性,2周前进食海产品后出现乏力.食欲减退.巩膜黄染,ALT增高,HBsAg(-),抗HAV-IgM(+), 抗HAV-IgG(-)。最可能的诊断是( ) A、 急性甲型病毒性肝炎 B、 急性乙型病毒性肝炎 C、 急...
That means there can be an immediate positive impact if we swap plastic straws for environmentally friendly alternatives. The smart design on the cup for cold drinks comes from Starbucks’ in-house team of designers and has been in development for two years. However, the announcement comes as ...