Single quotations are also used for expressions following introductory terms such as 'entitled', 'the word', 'the term' – which indicates a borrowing, special use or a definition. Parentheses ( ) The parenthesis is used in Hausa to enclose supplementary matter that is not intended to be ...
What about phasal polarity expressions in Hausa – Are there any?doi:10.1515/9783110646290-013Georg Ziegelmeyer
Learning the real Hausa language (slang, expressions, etc.) used by ordinary native speakers 学习普通母语人士使用的真正Hausa(俚语,表达,等等) ParaCrawl Corpus It reported a lot of injustice in Nigeria, e.g. imbalances in the number of states and local governments in the zones, right to ...
vowel shortening in closed syllables. At present, this has to be taken care of explicitly by the grammar writer. As a partial solution, however, it is possible to invoke regular expressions in the input chart mapping to impose these phonotactic constraints. Second, and related to this is the...
Expression of universal quantification and free choice: the case of Hausa koo-wh expressions. The Linguistic Variation Yearbook 8, 179--232.Zimmermann, M. (2009). Variation in the expression of universal quantification and free choice - the case of Hausa koo-wh expressions. Linguistic Variation ...