Haus im Tal的房間設施:舒適與便利的完美結合 在慕尼黑的Haus im Tal酒店,每一間房間都經過精心設計,旨在為客人提供一個舒適與便利的住宿體驗。房間內配備了高品質的床上用品和柔軟的毛巾,讓您在一天的探索後,能夠放鬆身心,享受一夜好眠。此外,酒店提供的免費瓶裝水和高級洗浴用品,讓您在旅途中也能感受到家一般的...
Landsberger Str. 270, 80687 Munich, Bavaria Germany 35.4 milesfrom Münter-Haus "Well, it is a simple, modern business hotel - offering good service for a day or two. Everything was clean and well-working, but a kind of steril. There is no real bar in the hotel. They have self-servi...