The many haunted manor houses and stately homes; the homes of the infamous and the homes of the long forgotten; all of these offer the intrepid ghost hunter a plethora of different types of ghosts to hunt for. As the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882, put it in his poem on the...
HauntedHouses-HenryWadsworthLongfellow 系统标签: longfellowhauntedwadsworthhouseshenrypoem HenryWadsworthLongfellow’s“HauntedHouses”©2005MaineMemoryNetwork CreatedbyGailRollerPage1of4 HenryWadsworthLongfellow’s“HauntedHouses” LessonPlan AresourcedevelopedthroughLongfellowandtheForgingofAmericanIdentity Author:Gail...
Will haunt the houses and the graves about Of such whose life's lamp went untimely out, Delighting still in their forsaken hosts. ~Joshua Sylvester I wouldn't take upon me to deny that spirits sometimes are visible to the eyes o' livin' men; but, mind me well, Morris, Idotake upon ...