You saw the snood first: the small head, wrapped in a chic little turban with a few strands of downy hair showing at the crown. She kept her back to the room, always taking the last booth by the ladies’ room. Often, she had been sitting alone for half an hour or an hour, gather...
Check out our list of the scariest haunted house movies of all time. Stream these old and new horror films right now on Netflix, Amazon Prime or Hulu.
In 1942, a new owner changed the name and, as the El Capitan, the house set a record for the longest-running variety revue in the history of legitimate theater, Ken Murray’s Blackouts. During the 1950s and 60s it was often the backdrop for TV specials and variety shows. Today, as ...
byEric Olsen|May 31, 2019|media,movies,radio| 0 Comments On a taut and twisted edition of After Hours AM/America’s Most Haunted Radio — scintillating paranormal talk Thursdays 9-11pE with hosts Joel Sturgis and Eric Olsen — we delve into new horror thriller The Cleaning Lady with star/...
the ground. He's short, built like a brick s---house, country strong with a hawkish nose and a deep scar on his cheek. He looks like a man born in a bullring, which he actually was, or at least in a shack adjacent to one. His parents cared for the bulls at a small-town ...
A former owner of a discotheque, Deans found Miss Garland dead in their town house in the Belgravia section of London at 11 a.m. Sunday. He called Scotland Yard. Stricken with grief, he was taken away and into seclusion later by friends. ...
As the months wore on, Natasha and her family found themselves in dire straits. As the revolutionary Bolsheviks rose to power in October 1917, their situation quickly took a turn for the worse. First, the Provisional Government put Natasha’s father under house arrest, cut the family’s tele...