From the Are You Scared Yet? series , Vol. 1 byRobert D. San Souci& illustrated byKelly Murphy&Antoine Revoy‧RELEASE DATE: Aug. 1, 2010 bookshelf shop now amazon As the title indicates, within this collection readers will find some ten haunted abodes, including a fun house that is no...
绘本《Haunted House》,St. Martin’s Press 绘本内容 VIP会员查看更多完整内容。 微信搜索「布克船长亲子故事」,关注领取价值128元VIP会员的3天体验期。
The Big Haunted House Book (机器翻译:大房子的书) 作者:Claire Ronan 出版社:Scholastic ISBN(13位):9780590543569 语种:英语 开本:32 页数:270 市场价:¥ 49.9 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 精装 九成新¥ 31.00¥ 27.280有货通知
Also out as a book, Mia presents a diary of her ghost-busting exploits in family homes around the UK. She visits the homes of ordinary people who have been troubled by hauntings, communicates with the spirit, finds out who they are and why they are present in the house and finally carr...
The Haunting of Hill House This is a relative newcomer but it is a really great haunted house series coming from Netflix. In this haunted tale, a family is coming to terms with a tragic past that all started when they moved into Hill House to renovate it. The series jumps back and for...
although there are chuckles here and there. It doesn’t make all that much sense, yet I can see how remaking it as a six-part Netflix series could give the story’s many ideas the space to take shape and resolve. As it stands,Houseis a pleasant diversion. But that’s one man’s...
The tales and travels of the Sugar Creek Gang have passed the test of time, delighting young readers for more than fifty years. Great mysteries with a message, The Sugar Creek Gang series chronicles the faith-building adventures of a group of fun-loving, courageous Christian boys. Your kids ...
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Haunted House in America A Picture Book By Jarrett Dapier Illustrator Lee Gatlin ISBN: 9781419752469 Publication Date: August 2, 2022 Format: Hardcover Price: $18.99 Quantity: Add to Cart Also available from: Amazon Barnes & Noble Books-A-Million Bookshop Powells !ndigo Description Details Author...