Check availability & prices 1/1 Hotel Highlights Sparkling clean Excellent room comfort & quality 8.0Exceptional location 83 Millar Road, Haumoana, Haumoana, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, 4172 ParkingFREE Elephant Hill Estate & Winery2.6 kmBritish Car Museum2.82 kmHawkes Bay Farmyard Zoo3.09 km ...
Located in the Hawkes Bay, Haumoana is a coastal town on New Zealand's east coast. Nearby to many well known local wineries and the Hawkes Bay Farmyard zoo, Haumoana offers options to entertain families and groups of any kind. 设施及服务 ...
Nearby to many well known local wineries and the Hawkes Bay Farmyard zoo, Haumoana offers options to entertain families and groups of any kind. 住宿周边 查看可预订空房 位置很赞 - 显示地图 设施及服务 设施上佳!评分:10 查看可预订空房 热门设施/服务 私人停车场 免费无线网络连接 停车场 无法...
Hawkes Bay Farmyard Zoo 4分 象山酒庄 暂无评分 Beach House Wines 暂无评分 Te Awanga Estate Vineyard 暂无评分查看更多霍莫阿纳旅游行程 《锋味》之新西兰11天美食美酒之旅 购物城市串游 共10天,25个景点 《锋味》之新西兰10天文化艺术之旅 购物 共8天,18个景点霍...