Train from KL to Hatyai (via Padang Besar) Getting to KL from Hat Yai¹ is a journey that can be broken down into 2 legs. The first, from KL to Padang Besar and subsequently, from Padang Besar to Hat Yai. The first half of the trip will take a little less than 6 hours with ti...
📍KL Sentral KTM去Padang Besar💰RM106.5 📍Padang Besar做Van去Hatyai火车站💰RM30 📍The Train Hotel 💰550THB 📍Hatyai火车站-Bangkok (krung thep aphiwat)💰1003thb上铺💰1103thb下铺 这漫长的路途很适合把时间留给你爱的人一起谈心 留言和我分享你们会想和谁体验?😗#长途火车#曼谷火车#泰国...